Hissatsu Tactics are a type of team hissatsu that have various effects. Shoot chains allow a player with a hissatsu meeting the right requirements to use a to increase the power of another shoot by standing in front of the ball and using a hissatsu of their own. Shoot and catch hissatsu however play simultaneously, which means that unlike defending the ball they always consume the Ability bar and at the beginning are determined by the player affinity only. Special abilities can only be stopped with other abilities, meaning that they will always win against basic tactics. The result of any of his players actions is determined by seven skills, the players affinity, and the total number of players participating in an action. The player can dodge the opponents attacks, slide tackle to take the ball away, or use a special ability available to the characters they recruited. Most of the goals of this part are indicated by a giant purple arrow the second part is the actual match: using the stylus, the player moves the soccer team around against another team.

Throughout there adventure in the FFI, they also come across devils and angels that they have to defeat, otherwise the Demon King will be revived after its 1000-year sleep.

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